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Monday, October 22, 2007

happy birthday to me (:

happy belated birthday to me (:

what a birthday celebration. thanks to all who celebrated my birthday with me one way or another. being with me in body and flesh, sending your text messages and posting up friendster comments. thanks all (: and since i find it worth noting...

it's amazing how the number of text messages actually grew this year (: waha! i've received bout 40wishes from 40different people. thank you very much!! (: i love all you guys so very much. thanks for remembering the day i was born and thanks for making the effort to text me. i've tried to reply all you guys an individual message each. if i miss out anyone i'm really sorry. still thanks millions for jamming up my phone network and memory space! (: loves!! (:
the early birds : kewei
the midnight kids : zeling, david, leeying(: , twin serene, lynnette(: , nicky, tabitha, MY FATHER!!!, jazreel(: , huan, chuanchuan, dt, bentay, naddiethebaddie:p
the day kids : ailin(: , laiyoong, jud(: , anh, jojo(: , chyr, boss, ziqi papa, aileen, qiaoyu, xiaoxuan, carey, josephyip, samuelchye, ben wang, grace(: , amanda(hc), yonghui, weihao, singyee, farmer jj, shu, wenhao, alvin, joel, rae, yL, grandpa aloy, darling crystal.
the belated kids : marianne, zhaoxiang, yaoyao. (: kenneth, carol (:
thanks all you peeps for making my day with reading textes and replying texts (: loves.!!! i still cant believe my dad actually texted me happy birthday that night when he was juz in the other room (: thanks dad! (:

thanks to friendster users for posting comments for me (:
kenneth, valerie, jiaming, joel, wilson, ashraf, melang, ken ng, dave, huan (:

thanks to my cell group for celebating my birthday together with me in body, flesh and blood!! (: w115 AND w458 (: bk, serena, leeying, singyee, ailin, chia, nathelie, josephyip, benwang, david, matthew, jonathan. thanks joseph for the lunch treat! and thanks ben and david for getting that awfully delicious chocolate cake (: it was seriously chocolatey (: yum.

thanks for the little gifts that you peeps have given me as well.
thanks w115+w458 for the mini make up kit that i finally own now (: though i really might need to get the tone of the foundation changed.. i'm not that dark!!!!! :D
thanks jud for the lovely shirt that says (heart).nuthead (: nicely wrapped in a ziploc (:
thanks nicky for that puzzle you erm drew (: i'll be waiting for my christmas gift (:
thanks serene for the lovely book you bought for me. i'm really tempted to start reading how to be God's best while waiting for my P.C. (:
thanks mum for the b-e-a-u-tiful necklace and bracelet that you got for me. (: it really shimmers. took a very nice photo of it glistering actually.. but i'm lazy to have it posted up. thanks mum for the 2free concession passes to wildwildwet too!! and for that very cute music playing aeroplane (:
thanks dad for that greeeeeen bike in advance (:
thanks daryl for the bunch of seedless red grapes!! (: i finished the whole box like in less than 3hours. x) waha! but hey!! grapes are yummy!! esp when they're seedless. thanks daryl!
thanks david for the new pair of slippers though its of the wrong size. :D
thanks crystal darling for the lovely decorated bottle of chocs, sweets and biscuits!! (: i'm already half way through its contents. x)
thanks ziqi and alvin for that nike waterbottle!! (: it's different from nicky's okay!!! cuz its red (: yay my new watering can x)
thanks jon for that best and inexpensive gift (:

i've truly enjoyed my birthday this year very much. thanks for everyone who made it enjoyable (:

and not forgetting thanks laiyoong for that prank call idea from 97.2FM on friday. it was funny and enjoyable. being a good sport really iz fun (: wish i could have the soft copy den can play on here. haha x) sorry to all non-chinese kiddos(like dt)!! no translations would be included. but i'm sure you'll be able to understand too (:

so how i spent my birthday this year..?
1. posing as Ms. santa claus giving out DOUGHnuts on friday to the simei kiddos (: glad you guys loved it.! pity ailin and singing was too far away. i'll get more next time (:
2. going to bukit gombak to cheer serene, zeling and cherrin (: congrats cherrin for getting into finals for both 100m and 200m! and 7th for 200m (: congrats ze for 6th in triple jump! and last but not least congrats twin for getting into finals for 400m! 5th qualifier!! though i may not be able to turn up next week, i wish you all the best and GO!! get your medals!!! jiayou!
3. had dinner with mum and aunts and grandma at the singapore yacht club. yum. (: i received angbaos too. cool.
4. sunday morning service.
5. lunch after service at katong for laksa (: thanks joseph for the yummylicious treat!! (:
6. sunday afternoon cell group meeting-cum-gathering at settler's cafe katong (: i still cant believe birthday girls' actually get bullied on their birthdays. haha x) muz be i too pro! hrmph! but hey!! girls still beat the guys in that saboteur(thanks GP rep) game!! we won by ONE gold nugget!!! muahaha
7. visit grandpa with a spending thought. i bought youghurt icecream for myself. pineapple tarts and some rice ball for grandpa. total spent>$10.
8. came home. no ice cream to binge on but tv to watch (:
9. most importantly ending off with a very long phone call from farfaraway in new zealand. loves naddie!! (: MUACKS!!! although i know i was very bitchy last night :p

i guess that's all folks (:
thanks for making my birthday enjoyable (:
this is still the first birthday i remember crying.

*throbs @12:20 <3

Leave your response



"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have. It depends solely upon what you think."
— Dale Carnegie

Most people don't believe it, but it really is possible to think yourself happy. You start with one happy thought followed by another and another until pretty soon you're stacking them on top of each other, like layers of joy bricks. After awhile, you will have built such a solid wall of happy thoughts around yourself that wherever you go, you'll radiate joy. And all because one day you made the decision that no matter what, you were going to think a happy thought.

happiness is YOURS to control (:


pst kong. sun ho. pst phil. pst CK. evelyn.

KT. aileen. amandafaith. ben. charis. darice. david. emily. huanli. jonathan. leticia. nadia. serena. shirley. torrance.

e290. ailin. alex. amelia. andrea. audrey. chia. esther. genghao. huiyen. jiahui. josephine. leeying. raymond. tayxi. wenmin. xinyi. yiren. zhuting.

arvinA. B. chuanli. crystal. daryl. jon. judith. junjun. kaiyi. kenneth. mr low. nicholas. pokiat. rachel. rodney. serene. siyao. zeling.

2Ho3. ak. grace. jingwen. joel. ziqi.

aaron. allen. kennethlui. sze gay.

ccm. eugene.

mabel. riana. yonghui.

chengjun. eugenia. jonathan.. ms tay. phildia. tabitha.. wenmei..



if tagboard doesnt appear, please click refresh!!
dun go without tagging! (:


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